BrianPansky Wiki

Things that are inefficient, that are social.

Matching and Alignment Issues:

  • disagreeing on goals, and/or the means of pursuing them
  • people being unfamiliar (or incompatable) with each other's social norms and expectations
  • unnecessary creation of enemies
  • trusting people you shouldn't trust
  • failing to trust people that you should trust

Efficient use of resources:

  • unnecessary duplication of labor
  • unnecessary limiting (bottlenecking) of labor
  • valueing things more or less than they should be valued
  • economic downturns, crashes, etc. probably involve a lot of inefficiency
  • failing to share goods and resources (including intentional artificial scarcity)
  • people waste time and energy trying things that aren't going to work (or that could at least be done much better), I guess they need to be educated about how to do things, and about problem solving in general

Information processing:

  • sometimes developing better knowledge could potentially happen, but discussion is slowed or stopped by unpleasant human emotions, and there doesn't seem to be an easier way (so we need to develop easier ways)
  • human thinking errors
  • information disconnection.  Some info is known by people inside a group but not outside.  Can lead to people "re-inventing the wheel", unnecessary duplication of labor
  • for a lot of things, people are just not as fast or as well connected as computers